Our fantastic Volunteer Fundraising Committee help to raise vital funds to deliver our services and support older people in Southwark. The committee meet 4-6 times a year on a weekday evening and come up with ideas for fun events and work together to plan and host them.

So far, we've planned everything from wine tastings and pub quizzes, to open gardens and jazz concerts. If you enjoy being sociable and getting involved, we'd love to hear from you - and, if you have great ideas for fun, local fundraising activities, all the better!

This role could involve:
  • coming up with fun activities and events to raise funds
  • getting together with other volunteers to plan and host events
  • spreading the word about our events and the work of Link Age Southwark - via social media, poster or any other way you like
  • baking cakes, making handicrafts and much more to sell at events
  • ... and anything else you might like to suggest!

"I enjoy knowing that in some way I have helped to improve someone's life. It may be small or indirect sometimes but there is great satisfaction in raising funds for a charity so that they can continue to do their fantastic work"

This role requires:
  • a cheerful and friendly personality
  • attendance at a volunteer induction
  • completion of a basic Disclosure Barring Service and character reference check
  • a commitment to working within the policies of Link Age Southwark

We cover all reasonable expenses and we are happy to provide references for volunteers who have completed 6 months of volunteering with us.

How do I apply?

Complete online application form

If you would prefer, you can also download our application form here and email to [email protected]