Befriending Befriending is a great way to meet new people and can really make a difference to the life of an older person feeling lonely or isolated. Befriending - at the heart of what we do Some older people, especially those who are housebound through frailty or poor health, can find it difficult to stay socially active. At Link Age Southwark, we have seen how loneliness and isolation can have a harmful effect on the physical and mental health of older people in our community. A regular visit for a friendly chat over a cup of tea or a walk outside can make a huge difference. Befriending visits can be arranged at times suitable for both the older person and the volunteer. Befriending for people living with dementia We also offer befriending to people living with mild to moderate dementia and who are living independently. For further information, please see the Dementia Services section of our website. Make a referral Link Age Southwark welcomes referrals for befriending for people who: are aged 60 years and over, or of any age with a confirmed diagnosis of mild to moderate dementia have given consent for a referral to be made live in our catchment area and are unable to leave their home independently due to one or more of the following criteria: physical and mobility impairment (any condition that makes it difficult to carry out daily activities without assistance) common mental health problems (such as depression and anxiety) dementia/cognitive impairment. If you would like to refer yourself or someone else to our befriending services, you will need to complete a referral form.Make a referral Manage Cookie Preferences