Originally from Leicester, Naailah started volunteering as a befriender with Link Age Southwark in 2021. She was matched with Viv and due to COVID they started talking together over the phone. Naailah says: Its been an incredible 2 years. I moved home during the pandemic, I was sad and depressed and then Viv came along. I now consider her my London family. Viv has encouraged Naailah to change her outlook on life, saying:Why are you worrying? You are exactly where you need to be.’ Naailah believes that they have perfect befriending match.  

Through their weekly conversations Naailah says that an hour breezes past as she and Viv chat on the phone. ‘Were always checking in on each other, in fact, I think Viv checks in more on me! Viv also remembered Naailah’s birthday and sent a message saying, Happy Birthday to my adopted Granddaughter!  

She reassures me and through doing that she reassures herself. Life does exist within each other.

Naailah says of her volunteering experience: Its so effortless. I would recommend it to other people. Naailah feels that her and Viv have built a strong connection,she reassures me and through doing so she reassures herself. When talking about loneliness in London, Naailah states ‘it’s good to know that life does exist within each other’. Thanks Grandma Viv & volunteer Naailah.  

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