As part of the Ageing Well Southwark service, Link Age Southwark is working with our partner organisations to help older people and those living with dementia stay warm and well this winter.

We are in the process of distributing over 175 Winter Wellbeing Bags to our service users. These bags contain helpful information and useful items, including the Age UK's 'Winter wrapped up' guide and a pair of non-slip, thermal socks or a warm scarf.

We have also been sharing the practical tips below, sending out a copy to everyone we support. In addition, we can provide information about energy advice sessions, exercise and social groups to promote wellbeing and connection, as well as lunch clubs providing hot meals.

If you or someone you know would like more information about keeping warm and well this winter, please call us on 020 8299 2623 and ask to speak to our Ageing Well Southwark Team who will assist you further.

Other useful links:
