ABOUT Impact Case studies Volunteer spotlight: Mark “I enjoy listening to them chat when I’m driving them. Hearing about their lives and families is fascinating – they may have limited mobility now, but one of them told me that at 18 she’d been a long jump champion!” Mark, 62, is a Link Age Southwark volunteer driver. Every Thursday, he collects four older women from diverse backgrounds, driving them to and from singing sessions in East Dulwich. “They seem to really appreciate the interaction – they’ll ask about my sons, my dogs – it’s lovely to just be me. “I retired last year from a very high-pressure career as a chartered surveyor. I was constantly ‘on call’. I wanted to explore other aspects of what can I bring to the world." “I’d always wanted to volunteer, and a dog-walking friend of my wife mentioned that Link Age Southwark needed drivers. I have a roomy car, and it was an opportunity to give my brain a rest, whilst hopefully making a difference. “Getting out seems to give my ladies a different perspective. For example, one of them was involved with inspecting schools, and if we pass one, she’ll share her memories. “Driving for Link Age Southwark makes me feel good: you’re taking time – listening and being there for others.” Manage Cookie Preferences